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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Justice: Giovanni Comandè, professor of Private Comparative Law at Sant'Anna School, among the speakers at the INAIL lawyers' national seminar, in Rome, during the first session on Monday, June 20th


Publication date: 13.06.2022
Giovanni Comandé
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"Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Justice: Risks and Opportunities in the Face of the undeniable Uncertainty of Law" is the topic discussed by Giovanni Comandè, Full Professor of Comparative Private Law at the Dirpolis Institute (Law, Politics, Development) of Sant'Anna School and Director of the LIDER-Lab (Interdisciplinary Rights and Rules Laboratory) at the annual national seminar of INAIL lawyers, planned in Rome from Monday, June 20th to Wednesday, June 22nd. Giovanni Comandè's speech is scheduled during the first session, beginning at 3:30 p.m. on Monday, June 20th.

The national lawyers' seminar, which has received the patronage of the National Forensic Council, is held annually and, for the 2022 edition, is hosted at the INAIL auditorium in Rome. The seminar is aimed at the Institute's lawyers and those who practice for public institutions or "self-employed". The main goal of the event is to investigate issues of interest due to their relevance in current legal affairs or social impact. The seminar is an important occasion to reflect on the interpretations of jurisprudence regarding the transformations taking place in the work world, also due to technological progress.